IPv6 Support¶
Define IP Family¶
When eksctl
creates a vpc, you can define the IP version that will be used. The following options are available to be configured:
- IPv4
- IPv6
To define it, use the following example:
apiVersion: eksctl.io/v1alpha5
kind: ClusterConfig
name: my-test
region: us-west-2
version: "1.21"
ipFamily: IPv6 # or IPv4
- name: vpc-cni
- name: coredns
- name: kube-proxy
withOIDC: true
This is an in config file setting only. When IPv6 is set, the following restriction must be followed:
- OIDC is enabled
- managed addons are defined as shows above
- cluster version must be => 1.21
- vpc-cni addon version must be => 1.10.0
- unmanaged nodegroups are not yet supported with IPv6 clusters
- managed nodegroup creation is not supported with un-owned IPv6 clusters
fields are created by eksctl for ipv6 clusters and thus, are not supported configuration options- AutoAllocateIPv6 is not supported together with IPv6
The default value is IPv4
Private networking can be done with IPv6 IP family as well. Please follow the instruction outlined under EKS Private Cluster.